The DNA Detective

A crime scene investigation kit, in which the students get to investigate which of the suspects committed the crime by using DNA analysis. This kit allows students to undertake gel electrophoresis without digesting the DNA first. The kit is designed for 16 groups and provides enough pre-digested DNA for each group to run 6 samples on a gel; giving them all plenty of opportunity to develop the practical skills needed for electrophoresis.
This kit allows students to practice the skills needed for DNA electrophoresis, which is an important technical requirement on most A-level courses. Students will solve the crime using gel electrophoresis to analyse DNA samples; matching DNA from a blood sample found at the crime scene with that of a suspect.
Our wipe-clean quick-glance student guide makes the practical easy to follow and allows students to learn the skills needed for this useful technique.
Our more comprehensive teacher/technician guide aids in setting up and teaching the practical.
The kit works with our NCBE gel electrophoresis base unit.
The module contains materials for two complete ‘runs’ of the DNA Detective practical, each with eight students or working groups.
- DNA ladder sheet
- 8 student guides
- 1 teacher/technician guide
- 5 digested DNA tubes with coloured lids: (yellow, orange, blue, green, purple)
- 1.5 kb ladder: clear lid
- 8 tubes of loading dye
- 50 ml bottle of toluidine blue O
- 50 ml bottle of TBE buffer
- 2 g bottle of agarose
- Bag of white tips (100)
- 8 sheets of carbon fibre
- Coloured 1.5 ml tubes (16 yellow, 16 orange, 16 blue, 16 green, 16 purple, 16 clear)
- An NCBE electrophoresis Base Unit, with electrophoresis tanks, combs and microsyringes
- A 36 V mains transformer
For a full list of replacement items, including Students’ booklets, please refer to the Replacement parts web page.
THE DNA DETECTIVE MODULE ………………………..£115.00 (GBP)
All of the prices on this page are in GBP and do not include Value Added Tax (VAT). This tax applies within the European Union only. Postage and handling must also be paid on orders from outside the United Kingdom. Details of how to order are given on the price list and on the Ordering web page.